Brian Powers

The Evening

Brian is a creative director at The Evening, a branding agency that helps build new brands into lasting ones through thoughtful creative and smart strategy.

Agency Leaders

Brian is a creative director at The Evening, a branding agency that helps build new brands into lasting ones through thoughtful creative and smart strategy.

Agency Leaders

Selected clients


As an expert in your space, can you share one small but actionable tip for brands?

Invest in quality photography. Visual storytelling does a lot of work at a glance.


Who’s your current brand crush, and what do you love about them?

I love Aesop and always will. The consistency in their brand and adherence to their guidelines is stellar. The way they translate their ethos from design to store experiences and scents and ingredients is really special.


How should someone approach you about working together?

We’re open to new clients and are excited by brands innovating in beauty, skincare, luxury goods and any product with a mission.


What’s your favorite data point to dive into? Why?

Brand equity. It’s tough to measure but the sign of a brand built for longevity.