Adam Kitchen

Magnet Monster

Former kindergarten teacher turned D2C retention marketer. I help D2C brands profitably increase revenue using email, SMS and direct mail.

Loyalty & Retention

Former kindergarten teacher turned D2C retention marketer. I help D2C brands profitably increase revenue using email, SMS and direct mail.

Loyalty & Retention

Selected clients


As an expert in your space, can you share one small but actionable tip for brands?

The biggest point of leverage any retention marketer has is obsessively focusing on increasing 1st to 2nd purchase. Pour your overwhelming energy here and you'll maximise ROI.


Who’s your current brand crush, and what do you love about them?

Duradry. They're playful with their communication style yet serious about the solutions they're providing to their customers.


How should someone approach you about working together?

I'll have an open and honest conversation with any brand owner or operator. If we can't help you, I'll guide you in the right direction at least with honest advice that's practical.


What’s your favorite data point to dive into? Why?

Profit, as it's the only true metric that matters at the end of the day.